The New Year Threshold
Together, we are crossing a threshold into a new calendar year. It can be a deeply meaningful moment, if we so choose.
If we trace the etymology of the word 'threshold,' it originates from 'threshing,' the act of separating grain from its husk. In this sense, the threshold becomes a critical passage that threshes us into a fuller, more resilient, and substantial Becoming. It is an existential line that divides two territories of spirit, and often, how we cross it is what matters most.
As I prepare to enter the territory of 2025, these are some of the reflective questions I am asking myself:
What holds true value in my life?
What is my relationship to the animate world, and what responsibilities does it call forth?
What do I perceive my purpose to be?
What gives my life meaning?
The gifts that have been bestowed upon me—how shall I put them to good use?
Who are my kin, and how can I best care for them?
When I reach the final threshold of this life—death—what can I truly be proud of? Will I be able to say that I truly lived?
What will I leave behind, and how will it radiate into the next seven generations?
A guiding question for the year(s) to come: What would Love have me do now?
Answering these questions with heart, you may be surprised by the profound nature of your responses. I certainly was. May we carry these blessings forward as we are threshed into greater fullness, embracing the grace of change and the honour of contributing to the evolution of Life and Love in a meaningful and soulful way.