Let’s Journey Together

A voyage into your heart's wilderness,
crossing the thresholds of your story,
weaving the threads of your
Becoming & Belonging.

Threshold Counselling for
Wanderers, Wonderers,
& Edge-Walkers

Reclaim the Wild Wisdom of Your
Creative Heart and Embrace the
Transformative Power of Thresholds


Life’s pivotal moments,
where the fertile soil of
transformation meets the
wild edges of possibility,
inviting growth and renewal.

These include:

  • Initiations: Marking important coming-of-age moments.

  • Transitions: Involving significant shifts that reshape your path.

  • Revelations: Emerging from profound personal epiphanies and visions.

  • Transformations: Embracing new ways of perceiving, living, and evolving.

  • Integrations: Steeping fully in the teachings of these thresholds.

Receive compassionate companionship and skillful support as you prepare for, initiate, navigate, and integrate the threshold you face during this transformative time.

One-on-One Online Sessions (75 mins)

Single sessions priced at $115
4-Session commitments: $420
8-Session commitments: $780
12-Session commitments: $1, 000

*In difficult times, know there's a path forward.
Please don't hesitate to seek support,
even when resources seem scarce.

Read the guiding themes and testimonials below to further explore if our paths align.

  • Embrace Transformation; Become Anew

    The Inner Initiate, an archetypal force within, guides us through transformative experiences, revealing deeper meaning and purpose. By embracing these pivotal moments, we tap into our inherent courage and move toward a life that more fully embodies our core values.

  • Weave The Golden Thread of Your Becoming

    Attune with the wildness of your heart, the seat of your soul, where genuine meaning and creativity emerge. Alchemize past wounds, embrace nonrational nuances, and reclaim wholeheartedness to enhance transformative processes and deepen authentic expression.

  • Discover Direction Amidst Complexity

    Navigate life’s labyrinth with creativity and confidence. Carve a path guided by spontaneity, integrity, and intuition. Clarify confusion, embrace complexity, and step forward with greater faith and grace.

  • Rekindle Your Creative Capacity

    Explore your inner and outer landscapes with heartfelt guidance. Connect with the world’s generative energy and delve into your unique essence. Awaken your soul’s creative power and cultivate depth to self-author a vibrant, meaningful life.

  • Weave the Golden Thread of Your Belonging

    Reconnect with your expansive essence within Earth’s intricate web of life. Engage with Earthly flows, honour more-than-human kinship, and nurture interconnected threads of meaning. Weave your story into the vibrant tapestry of ecological relationships to deepen your sense of Belonging.

  • Nourish Your Heart for Thriving Connections

    Reimagine patterns that hinder intimacy to nurture nourishing relationships. Release unhelpful narratives, dismantle limiting constructs, and confront difficult dynamics with confidence. Cultivate a resilient sense of Loving and Belonging.

  • Embody & Ensoul Emergent Leadership

    Lead with awareness, authenticity, and empowerment, integrating heart, body, mind, soul, and Earth connection. Expand your global perspective, deepen systems knowledge, and cultivate integral wisdom. Step into your role as an emerging leader and vital community member.

  • Embrace Loss & Cultivate Love

    Seek a sanctuary to tend to loss, trauma, and change—a humble haven for life’s sorrows and the growth that comes with grieving. Find safe ground to honour your pain while learning to praise the fierce and graceful essence of life and love.

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

— Alan Watts


  • My experience with Tei has been hugely transformational and healing. He has been a guiding light in the direction of returning to my body's innate wisdom and reconnecting with deep parts of myself. He is beautifully tuned into his intuition and is always spot on with reflections, meditations and suggestions that resonate deeply to my core. I also find he has a rare quality of deep empathetic listening. Profound spiritual wisdom and truth flows from him while he is also very grounded and embodied which supports me in coming back to my true essence. Working with Tei is an ever expanding blessing and I cannot recommend him enough!

    — Sara M.

  • Tei always reminds me to return to a simpler way of being. To live from a felt sense, in the present. It's been a beautiful healing process for me. He comes to each session with a gentle, caring heart, willing to meet me where I'm at. I'm so grateful for Tei and all his support.

    — Antonio D. L.

  • Tei’s counsel has been akin to discovering an oasis in the desert of uncertainty. His approach is refreshingly candid yet tender. Throughout our sessions, I’ve felt profoundly heard and understood — an experience as rare as it is invaluable. Tei’s wisdom stems not from lofty ideals, but from the humility of lived experience. His counsel is not only practical but deeply sensitive to and resonant with my everyday struggles. With his unwavering support, I’ve earned a deeper understanding of myself as an animal of earth with a beautiful heart and a sensitive soul, along with the practical tools necessary to navigate life’s ridiculously endless challenges with a lot more resilience and little more grace.

    — Maddie J.

  • Tei has been a real game-changer for us. His way of helping is like having a reliable soul-friend to guide us through tough times. With his help, we've learned how to talk better (non-violently, and more lovingly), navigate arguments and challenges with respect, and feel closer/more intimate than ever. Tei creates a comfy space where we can open up about our worries without feeling judged. He's helped us fix old issues and make our bond even stronger. Thanks to him, we're rebuilding trust and feeling the love all over again. We owe him big time for being such a solid ground for our relationship during very difficult times.

    — Zach & Rachel

  • In my quest for guidance, I searched among many, seeking someone who could navigate the depths of spiritual understanding and embody profound self-reflection. I turned to the divine, asking for a guide who could walk alongside me on my journey, offering not just knowledge, but genuine care and support for my soul's evolution. And in Tei, I found not just a teacher, but a warrior guide, a multidimensional king of wisdom.

    Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on the invaluable role Tei has played during my darkest nights of the soul. With unwavering commitment, he has illuminated the parts of myself that deserve honor, gently reminding me of the importance of listening to my inner compass and embracing my own self-reflection. In his presence, I've discovered the power within me to navigate life's challenges and manifest my deepest desires.

    Even when the path grew financially challenging, Tei's willingness to adapt and accommodate ensured that I could continue receiving the support I needed. His generosity and innerstanding have been a beacon of light during times of struggle, reaffirming my belief in the goodness of humanity.

    To anyone seeking a guide on the path to self-discovery, I wholeheartedly recommend Tei. His wisdom, compassion, and unwavering dedication make him a true presence of hope and transformation. Thank you, Tei, for being a guiding light on my spiritual journey.

    — Darius Z.

The lost home that we are seeking is ourselves; it is the story that
we carry within our soul.

— Michael Meade