The Coyotei Orientation

A path of creative reclamation.

Coyotei Counsel offers an opportunity to embark on a journey — a path of creative reclamation — where we honour and nurture the wild wisdom that lives in your body and dwells deep within your heart. This is an opportunity for wild wayfaring at thresholds of transformation.

Life’s pivotal moments, where the fertile soil of transformation meets the wild edges of possibility, inviting growth and renewal.

* Read more below.

Each of us holds, deep within, a unique and untamed reservoir of wisdom — a wellspring of vitality brimming with seeds of stories and possibilities, infused with the nutrients essential for our growth, healing, and authentic expression.

The Coyotei orientation is grounded in the understanding that your felt-sense experiences, emotions, dreams, stories, depth of heart, and soulful yearnings together create a rich and significant mosaic of creative capacity and wild wisdom, intricately intertwined with Earthly powers and rhythms.

Your being carries the living wisdom of your experiences and those of your ancestors, while your heart harbours the intuitions of your soul’s path. Your mind-body channels the Earthly powers of action and creation. When these elements are integrated, they enable your most authentic expression and guide you gracefully through life’s thresholds.

Your wandering, wondering, and edge-walking are NOT faults or flaws, but rather sources of potent possibilities and pathways to profound self-and-other-discovery and transformation.

Together, we will tenderly unravel and re-weave the important threads of your life through the transformative process of reclamation, empowering you to soulfully self-author a truly supportive story in a new and meaningful way.

Guided by compassionate curiosity and embodied presence, you'll be companioned as you explore the mysterious and uncharted territories of your inner landscape while deepening your communications with the larger, living world.

Your wandering and wondering at the edges of conformity have forged you a great gift: the path has boldly beckoned your Inner Initiate. You are here now because you know it’s time to cross the threshold of your story and honour your soul’s path.

We will celebrate the wildly unconventional, the beautifully nonlinear, and the uniquely emergent, welcoming the wholly transformative as we weave the threads of your Becoming and Belonging.

Through our wildly wise hearts and creative consciousness we are consistently given the opportunity to generate meaningful experiences and weave them into stories of significance. 

Notable Influences

While influenced by various psycho-somatic approaches, the Coyotei orientation particularly draws from the following modalities:

  • Somatic Therapy

  • Ecopsychology

  • Depth Psychology  

  • Heart-Wisdom Therapy

  • Integral Psychology

  • Relational Psychology

  • Narrative Therapy

  • Existential Psychology

  • Trans-Personal Psychology

Together, let's peel back the layers, unearth hidden treasures, and rewrite the narratives that hold you back from crossing the threshold of your story and wholly ensouling your life.