Wild Heart Revival

Heartfelt Conversations
and Stories as Pathways
of Renewal and Revival

Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E15 | Iain McIntosh | From Dilapidation to Revelation: Journeying from Plato’s Cave to Pluto’s Cove

In this thought-provoking episode, Iain invites us on a transformative journey from Plato’s Cave to Pluto’s Cove. Beginning by introducing a dream-inspired analogy of a dilapidated theme park, he questions the deeper significance of this ‘broken-down’ setting and its metaphorical implications for our collective human experience at this time . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E13 | Alena Natalia | Reviving Earth’s Lineage: Wandering, Belonging, & The Wild Feminine

In this grounding conversation, Alena guides us through some of her rich life experiences, from her childhood in Soviet Moscow and summers in the wilds of Massachusetts to her travels across 75 countries seeking diverse teachers and teachings. Her early encounters with nature and an extraordinary experience at age 14 sparked her wandering quest for a deeper understanding of reality . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E12 | Eric Haas | Wisdom of the Ancients: Reconnecting with Primal Nature

Join us as we explore Eric’s journey through self-discovery, fatherhood, and service. He shares how caring for his son deepened his self-awareness and challenged the idea of being a ‘strong independent individual.’ Eric recounts his transition from travel and wilderness experiences to studying psychology, leading to his time in the Kalahari Desert learning persistence hunting with the San people . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E10 | Katie Gray | From Me to We: Cultivating Collective Care Through Trauma Healing

We begin this episode by reflecting on the belief that we "deserve to suffer" and its impact on our lives, leading us to explore the nature and pervasiveness of trauma. Our guest, Katie, introduces her trauma resolution and healing methodology, The Empowered Heart, and shares insights on courageously deepening our connection to the heart . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E9 | Jan Blake | Honouring Stories: The Art of Custodianship & Deep Listening

In this episode, we delve into the art and essence of storytelling, emphasising the significance of stewarding stories with a sense of custodianship, rather than merely portraying the role of a 'storyteller'. Our guest, Jan, shares her journey and insights into how storytelling has shaped her life and creative expression. We delve into the significant responsibility of honouring the voices, experiences, landscapes, and cosmologies present within a story, even those of morally complex or treacherous character . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E8 | Angell Deer | Beyond the Known: Welcoming Mysteries, Becoming Whole

In this episode, we sink into some important depths of the human experience, honouring life's transformative trials and tribulations along the journey toward wholeness. Join us as we tenderly traverse the terrain, uncovering invaluable qualities forged amidst adversity and exploring the distinction between mere knowledge and embodied wisdom . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E7 | Zlatka Cholakova | Embracing Shadows, Unveiling Gifts: Weaving The Golden Path

In this episode, we play at the intersection of the mystical and the practical, exploring how contemplation opens pathways to clarity and authenticity . . . Zlatka shares her journey with the Gene Keys system, illustrating how it serves as a contemplative tool, integrating shadows to unveil our gifts. We learn to welcome all emotions, even numbness, as we navigate the ever-fresh present moment . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E6 | Patrick Sellin | Surrendering to Soul: Poetry, Breath, & The Alchemy of Paradox

From embracing the potent catalysts of paradox and vulnerability to cultivating conscious connections through trust, authenticity, and breathwork, each theme of this episode unfurls like the petals of a wildflower, inviting beauty and evolution. We delve into the power of surrender, confronting the ego's resistance to change and embracing life's uncertainties with courage, love, and grace . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E5 | Justin Waxman | The Heart of Cacao: Sacred Legacies & Current Realities

In this illuminating episode, we explore the origins, history, and cultural significance of cacao, from its ancient roots as ‘food of the gods’ in Central America to its modern-day status as both a revered superfood and an over-exploited commodity. From Justin, we learn about the Mayans’ relationship with cacao, the impact of European colonisation on the sacred fruit, and the complex realities of the contemporary chocolate industry, including the painfully pressing issue of child slavery . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E4 | Rev. Dr. Eric Elnes | The Wild Wisdom of Jesus: Illuminating Gifts in the Darkwood

In this fourth episode, we meander our way around substantial aspects of spirituality and personal growth. Through discussions on the significance of identifying life's 'sweet spots' and 'un-carving our blocks', listeners are encouraged to contemplate the essence of being as compared to doing. Drawing parallels between the teachings of Tao and Christ, we uncover Jesus as a wild and provocative figure . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E3 | Brooke Fenton | Heart’s Homecoming: Bridging Earth & Sky

In this third episode, we set out on a meaningful exploration of faith, rootedness, remembrance, and belonging, delving into the wild wisdom of the heart and finding solace in the simplicity of 'what is'. Through tender reflections on humility and surrender, we embrace the necessity of being moved by life's natural flows . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E2 | Rosemerry Trommer | Of Ink & Earth: The Poetic Gifts of Grief, Love, & Wonder

In the second episode of Wild Heart Revival, Rosemerry Trommer beckons us into a grounded exploration of the plentiful well of possibility that is poetry, inviting us to draw from its depths and discover the richness therein . . . With sincerity and transparency, Rosemerry unveils the poetic gifts nestled within grief, love, and joy, inviting us to embrace the simplicity that underlies each moment . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari

E1 | Dr. Báyò Akómoláfé | Beyond Identity: Tenderness, Tricksters, & Radical Accompaniment

In this first episode of Wild Heart Revival, Bayo guides us into an exploration of a timely concept that he calls 'A Politics of Tenderness,' navigating the fluidity of identity and challenging societal norms. From radical accompaniment to the wild wisdom of tricksters, Bayo invites us to embrace an animist’s ethics along our mythic quest for deeper self-and-other understanding . . .

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Tei Taiyari Tei Taiyari


This is a brief introduction, intending to cultivate a nourishing ground in which to plant this project so that it may grow and bloom in a good way.

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