You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

You know, the question isn’t whether we’re going to have to do hard, awful things, because we are. We all are. The question is whether we have to do them alone.

— Kate Braestrup

The human project of survival has always been fraught with difficulty. It is through these very challenges that Earth learns to become more creative, collaborative, and resilient. Yet today, we face a unique crisis: the epidemic of aloneness. Village life—those fractal essentials that once nurtured and nourished the human spirit—is now little more than a relic. Even our closest relationships, whether within family dynamics or soul-family constellations, often feel fragmented. The so-called individual has become the primary focus, a stark symptom of the ailment that is civilized, market-manufactured modernity.

Caught up in the pursuit of 'self-realization' within a techno-industrial pseudo-ecology, so many of us have lost the spaciousness, the time, and the interdependence necessary to cultivate deeply meaningful, entangled, and regenerative relationships with one another.

Life will continue to present each of us with incredible challenges. This is certain. But the antidote to inevitable hardship lies not in further isolation or self-reliance but within relationship—relationships intentionally rooted in depth, reciprocity, and the cultivation of those skills and qualities that lead to regenerative and resilient ways of Being, Becoming, and Belonging.

To celebrate the turning of the year and contribute to a more regenerative future, I am offering all of my counselling services—individual, couples, death and dying, and group counsel—at 30% off throughout the month of January.

As we cross the threshold into the new year, know this: you don’t have to do it alone. I am here to walk alongside you, to support your intention to root more deeply into relationship. Together, we can ensure that in the years to come, the question of whether you have to face it alone will no longer need asking.


The New Year Threshold


Apprehending Beauty