The Wild Rhythm of Transformation
I am skeptical of those who claim to offer ready-made remedies for the profoundly entangled, complex, and soulful challenges of our times. True transformation resists the confines of standardized stories, mechanized approaches, and tidy frameworks.
Phrases like “evidence-based interventions,” “5-step programs,” and “proven healing modalities” falter in the vast, uncharted, and unknowable landscape of the Great Mystery. They sit uneasily in the soul, out of rhythm with the wild, untamed nature of healing and wholeness.
Transformation is not a linear path but a churning—a raw, unpredictable process that defies easy answers. The churning can feel relentless, yet it is in the depths of discomfort that the seeds of transformation begin to root and grow.
No one, myself included, can fully comprehend why you are being churned or how the fragments of your life will eventually settle into a meaningful mosaic. What I can offer is my presence: to witness, to care, and to walk beside you with the courage to meet the rawness and realness of your Becoming and Belonging.
Beneath the canopy of human evolution lies a mysterious darkness—rich, fertile, and alive. True light penetrates not through force but through humility, patience, and reverence. It finds its way through only when we honour the wild, spiralling rhythm of Life, Love, and Lore.