Return To Source

The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.

— Isak Dinesen

I often encourage my clients to seek solace in wild waters during challenging times, for water, in its untamed essence, holds a profound capacity to restore and renew. The primal nature of water has an ancient ability to embrace us amidst our diverse and turbulent emotions, witness our vulnerabilities, and reflect the vast, oceanic depths of our inner world. It holds and cleanses us — heart, body, mind, and spirit — with a soothing, restorative touch that sinks beneath the superficial and trickles down into the core of our being. We are water.

Though we may not all have immediate access to the sea, any body of water can serve as a sanctuary. All waterways eventually converge with Mamma Ocean, reminding us that the separation we feel is but an illusion. The spirit of Ocean runs through our blood, sweat, and tears. By acknowledging this intrinsic inheritance, we can reconnect with the spiralling fluidity of the untamed seas within us and allow the primordial, medicinal mystery of water to move us in healing ways.

Turn to the waterways, bring your sweat and tears, and offer yourself to the wild medicine they carry. You may find yourself effortlessly moved into deeper alignment with your essence—more whole, more alive. As Rumi so beautifully said, "You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop." His words remind us of our boundlessness, fluidity, power, and gentleness—mysterious depths within, yet to be fully known.

Remember your power, watery being. Return to the source. Allow yourself to be moved, flowing with the currents of your own depths and the rhythms of the watery world. By welcoming wild waters back into your life, you invite in your Deep Self—renewed, revitalized, regenerative, and deeply connected to the undulating creative forces of Ocean, Earth, and Soul.



