Reflections of Self

To see the nature of our own consciousness is to see its reflection in our own creations — the faces of our family, the way we care for our homes, the expression of our bodies, the things we create.

— Anodea Judith

Our consciousness manifests in myriad forms: in the gaze of our loved ones, the environment we cultivate, and the art we create. When we judge others, we often encounter a mirror of our own hidden traits and unhealed wounds. This mirror reveals not only how we interact with others but also how we nurture our relationships, care for our spaces, and express our creativity. Each of these reflections provides a window into our inner world, offering meaningful insights into our deep selves.

By observing our engagements with those we cherish and the spaces we inhabit, we unearth deeper layers of our inner landscape. Judgments, whether directed towards us or from us, invite us to engage in a process of inner refinement—an opportunity to cultivate greater courage and compassion. This reflection, seen through our connections, our environment, and our creative expressions, serves as fertile ground for personal and collective growth.

Compassion arises from recognizing, acknowledging, and embracing the difficult reflections as integral parts of our Becoming. Each interaction, every care given to our surroundings, and the creativity we nurture are potential expressions of our core Essence. Through this heartfelt engagement, we cultivate a more real and resilient connection with ourselves and the living world, fostering a sense of authenticity and wholeness.


How Stories Shape Us


What About Words?