Care of the Soul

Care of the soul is not just a matter of talking about our problems or finding solutions. It’s an art, a process of transforming ourselves through poetic images and creative expression.

— Thomas Moore

Care of the soul is a dynamic art, a deep process in which we lose ourselves over and over, descending into ever deeper layers of real, rooted expression. It’s not about fixing problems or becoming better adjusted to societal expectations, but about the creative act of exploring and expressing what we carry deep within.

In my work with clients, I’ve witnessed how stories, landscapes, myths, poetic images, moments of stillness, and creative endeavours can open profound doorways to creativity, playfulness, understanding, adaptability, healing, life-giving grief, and soulful growth. True transformation takes shape in these ways—not in a rush to 'adjust' and get on with things as usual. It is in the slow, tender responsiveness and curious caring that the Song of the Soul makes itself known.


Your Values Shape You


Patience and Passion